Did you know that the words “Under God”was added to the Pledge of Allegiance as a result of the Knights of Columbus?
Charity • Unity • Fraternity • Patriotism
Who we are.
We are one of the most active councils in the San Fernando Valley, serving our communities, families and parishes since 1949.
If you wish to experience the fellowship and friendship of other Catholic men, and the joy of serving God and your local community, the Knights of Columbus is for you.
We have three meetings per month. Meetings are not mandatory, however we encourage your attendance and participation as your time and schedule permits.
• First Tuesday — Planning Meeting
• Second Tuesday — Business Meeting
• Fourth Tuesday *— Social/Dinner for anyone
All meetings are at 7:30 P.M.
Van Nuys Council is proud to host the Columbiettes, our women’s auxiliary.
* No monthly Socials in November/December
What we do.
Parishes and Schools
Communion Breakfast
Spelling Bee contests
Essay Contest
Free Throw Contest
Food Pantry
Charitable Organizations
Pregnancy Counseling Center
Ultrasound machines
Loaves and Fishes
Special Olympics
Wheel Chair Contribution
Coats for Kids
Community Involvement
Rancho San Antonio Boys Home
Children’s Christmas Party
Flag distribution and hanging in neighborhoods
March for Life — One Life L.A.
40 Days For Life
Council Activities
Annual Picnic
Past Grand Knight’s Dinner
Monthly Social and Dinner for anyone
Clergy Night
San Manuel Casino Day Trips
Knights of Columbus.
Knights of Columbus are practical Catholic men over the age of 18 from all walks of life. The diversity of this group of men is highlighted by its unification in the Catholic faith. We are young, old, rich, poor, professionals and laborers. We all enjoy coming together in fellowship and the common cause of community service.
Since our founding in 1882 by Blessed Michael J. McGivney, the Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world, with more than 1.9 million members.
It was founded on these 4 principles (degrees):
The Benefits of Memborship.
Members in good standing will immediately receive $1000 in accidental death benefits. This amount grows by $500 each year to a maximum $2500. There are other fraternal benefits available, including life insurance. With $100 billion of insurance in force, we are one of the nation’s premier insurers. The financial ratings agency A. M. Best has affirmed the Order’s A++ Superior financial ranking for the 40th consecutive year. We rank among the Fortune 1000 list of America’s largest companies.