You can make a great difference to the lives of children in the Van Nuys area.
Donate Toys for Our Children’s Christmas Party.
Every year we hold a children’s Christmas party for the children of our neighborhood and surrounding areas. We have been doing this for years. In many cases parents who came to the party as children bring their children to the party. Visits to Santa at malls has become expensive so we enjoy offering this opportunity for free.
Children 12 and under are treated to: A visit with Santa, one new unwrapped toy that they can select, candy and healthy snacks such as fruit.
All are welcome to this non-denominational event.
If you would like to donate new unwrapped toys please bring them to our hall at 14450 Valerio Street, Van Nuys CA 91405 on the first and second Tuesday of the month between 6:30 and 7:30 PM. In person cash donations are also excepted. 100% of the toys and cash donations will be used for our Children’s Christmas Party.